I was tidying up the photos I’ve shot this year so far and I suddenly noticed something. I have posted some portrait photos, some event photos on this blog this year and of course a lot of camera and photography related articles and videos on my other blog, and my youtube channel. But I have actually not posted a single wedding photo here at all. No wonder a few people have asked if I’m still shooting weddings these days.
Of course the answer is yes. And maybe I should at least post one or two weddings before 2019 arrives. But which wedding should I post first? I’ve shot some really memorable weddings this year. Ream and Salah’s wedding at Gracehill Vineyard is the one of the first weddings I thought of.
I was really touched by all the little stories between Ream and Salah. How they met each other and also their amazing characters . While I’ve only met and talked to them a few times, I really felt like I’m one of their old friends and really happy that I was there to document the biggest day of their life.
Below are some of the photos from their wedding. I hope you’ll like them and can also feel some of the happiness from this amazing wedding.
The photo above was the last photo I took that day. The iconic gazebo at Gracehill Vinyard. The gazebo and the surrounding area was actually quite dark as it was almost 11pm (see the photo below). But I really like the gazebo so I spent a bit of time to light up the gazebo using all the lights I had in my camera bag. I also added a bit of haze and created that final photo above. Do you like the result?